A Brief Update

In other news…

I’ve graduated, passed boards, been duly board certified, applied for licensure in two states, and can now proudly claim to be an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) in the state of Washington. All I’m lacking now is a DEA number to prescribe controlled substances. Until then, all I can prescribe are “legacy drugs,” which basically means aspirin.

I’m still awaiting for my Oregon licensure to be finalized. It was a much more tedious process and took me a lot longer to finish, so I predict it will also take them longer to complete. That’s okay though, because I’ve got to get in some more overtime before I can afford a second DEA number. They don’t come cheap.

Meanwhile, I’m trying to figure out what to put on my business cards. In Washington, I am an ARNP, while in Oregon, I will be a PMHNP (Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner). Do I get different cards for each state? Or put both titles on one card, in which case there’s not room left for much else?

Ahh, conundrums.

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